Macebearer and Civic Officer training can be provided by the Guild of Mace-Bearers for those new to the job.
Macebearers follow long and noble traditions and are expected to be able to marshal church parades, host events, act as Toast-Masters for the Mayor’s banquet and carry out numerous other tasks, but if your Macebearer is new to the job without the benefit of an experienced colleague to teach them where do they learn the basics?
This is where the Guild of Mace-Bearers can help.
We can source an experienced Macebearer/Chauffeur/Civic Attendant to provide a half-day or full day of training in whatever aspects of the job your Macebearer may require. Each training session can be tailored to the particular requirements of the individual and their role.
Macebearer and Civic Officer training might include:
How to carry the mace including which way round it should face in church and when it is acceptable to put it down.
- How to marshal a civic line-up for a Royal visit.
- Chauffeuring techniques to ensure the Mayor and Mayoress arrive and leave with dignity.
- Covering strategies when the civic head arrives at a function and the host isn’t ready!
- Correct announcements at a formal dinner.
- Timekeeping and knowing when to leave an event.
- Care for civic insignia and robes
Whatever your requirements the Guild can help you put together an effective training plan to make sure your Macebearer can effectively carry out their duties with dignity and decorum. Contact the Guild now to arrange an informal chat about your needs and budget.